报 告 人:Wolfgang Dietrich Pantleon distinguished professor
工作单位:Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Plasma-facing components of future fusion reactors will have tungsten-based materials as armor. At operation temperature, the armor material undergoes unavoidably microstructural restoration microstructure as recovery, recrystallization and grain growth. As undeformed tungsten is inherently brittle, while deformed tungsten is ductile, embrittlement by recrystallization must be avoided, but the thermal stability of conventionally rolled tungsten turns out to be insufficient. Possibilities for increasing thermal stability by boundary pinning preventing their motion using different dispersoids or bubbles will be discussed. Alternatively, pseudo-ductile tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten composites with a tungsten matrix reinforced by heavily drawn tungsten wires are developed. Their thermal stability and microstructure evolution at high temperatures is analyzed using EBSD.
Wolfgang Dietrich Pantleon is a distinguished professor of Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Section of Materials and Surface Engineering. In 1966, prof. Wolfgang Dietrich Pantleon got his Ph.D. in Physical Metallurgy with distinction and his Ph.D. thesis is “Modelling the microstructural evolution during hot-working” with Prof. P. Klimanek. Prof. Wolfgang Dietrich Pantleon's current research interests mainly focus on the study of materials for fusion reactors (tungsten, ODS steel, CuCrZr) and their thermal stability, modelling of deformation structures, work-hardening and recrystallization of metals. In recent years, he has authored and co- authored more than 50 refereed journal publications published in Science, Acta materialia, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Scripta Materialia, Materials Science & Engineering A and so on.